Problem is you would have to drudge through the proper channels to find out where these are located and if anyone has leased them or already gained access. Louisiana Lands has done the tiresome, time consuming footwork for you. Months and months of redundant phone calls, road trips, courthouse visits, and property drive-byes went in to compiling this exhaustive list of hunting properties around the state for you to enjoy, use, and hopefully find your next honey hole. This Unique-to-Louisiana book makes a great stocking-stuffer and is a must for the avid outdoorsman of this great state. Get yours today at the link below and begin the hunt for your next favorite spot!

On each property map you will find the owners name, section/township and range description searchable through Google Earth, parish, total acreage, the source of information and a high resolution satellite image of the property with boundary lines marked clearly. It also shows whether or not each property is under current lease or not, but don't fret. If a property you desire to access is leased you now have the owner's info and can get in line to bid or to be the next leasee. Don't wait until hunting season is over. Order your copy today and find your hunting haven before someone else does!