Is this just another way to make you pay for yet another permit to help fund a bankrupt state? Possibly. Or are they trying to help by allowing us to take hogs at night during deer season unlike in the past without going through a lengthy application process? Most of your concerns will probably be the possible increase of gunfire at night helping poachers hide what they're really doing.
I am waiting on an email reply from LADWF to get clarification on this notice of intent. If you would like to voice your opinion and hopefully add positive alternative resolutions to the discussion please email them at the email address listed at the bottom of the press release.

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission adopted a notice of intent for a permit to be issued for the night-time take of outlaw quadrupeds, nutria and beaver on private property during its May meeting Thursday in Baton Rouge.
The permit will be valid for a period of one year from July 1-June 30 the following year, however, they may only be used from Sept. 1 of each year through the final day of February of the next year. Permits may be renewed annually without additional application.
Permittees may take outlaw quadrupeds, nutria or beaver during nighttime hours on private property from one-half hour after official sunset until one-half hour before official sunrise.
The proposed changes are designed to streamline the application process and alleviate concerns relative to depredation and property damage by outlaw quadrupeds, nutria and beaver.
To view the full notice of intent, please visit http://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/action-items.
Public comment will be accepted at LWFC monthly meetings until close of business August 4 and/or can be submitted in writing by mail to: Melissa Collins, LDWF Wildlife Division, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000, or via email to mcollins@wlf.la.gov until August 4, 2016.