Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents cited three people for alleged night hunting violations in Terrebonne Parish on Jan. 6.
Agents cited Terry Hebert, 51, Clarence Thibodaux, 47, and Lacy Thibodaux, 29, all of Thibodaux, for hunting deer during illegal hours and for hunting from a moving vehicle. Terry Hebert was also cited for illegal spotlighting from a public roadway. Clarence Thibodaux was also cited for hunting across a public roadway.
Agents learned about security guards at the Modern American Recycling Services (MARS), located in Gibson, placing bait under street lights to attract deer and hunting them at night. Agents learned the security guards would either set up on the bait after dark or patrol by vehicle slowly with lights off looking for deer.
Agents set up surveillance in various strategic locations around the baited area and were able to observe night hunting activities take place several nights. Just prior to midnight on Jan. 6, agents made contact with the three subjects when they were actively engaged in night hunting activities.
Agents seized two rifles with scopes.
Hunting deer during illegal hours brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail. Hunting from a moving vehicle and hunting across a public roadway each carries a $250 to $500 fine and up to 90 days in jail for each offense. The fine for spotlighting from a public road is set by each judicial district accordingly.