Please sign this petition by commenting below with your name and parish of residence and also any comments you may have. Once we reach 25,000 names I will present it to the head of enforcement at LADWF and also our state legislature.
We the concerned citizens of Louisiana petition to have whitetail deer related game law violation fines increased with automatic additional hunting privilege suspension for 1 year upon conviction of first offense, and increasing there after up to a statewide, lifetime ban on all hunting and fishing activities. Each game law broken pertaining to intentionally poaching whitetail deer will also carry a minimum restitution of $3,000 per each deer illegally taken in addition to other fines. We value our natural resources and wish to take matters into our own hands to protect them.
*These increases are specifically designed for the obvious poaching crimes. ie. night hunting, spotlight use, no possession of tags or license, trespassing, killing over your yearly limit. We are aware honest mistakes are made. We would expect fair judgement to be made per each individual case. Especially those made by hunters within legal hours, who possess all the proper paperwork and have no prior criminal record. We would also like to address the frequency by which game law violations are dropped and fines lowered in court.