"It seemed like every time I'd plan on going to the woods God had other plans for me; someone needed a brother to listen and pray with them, or someone from church would need a helping hand. I was starting to get a little frustrated, but my pastor reminded me to be patient and that the LORD rewards those that are humble and put others first."
Friday morning started like many other trips, postponement. "I had to stay late for a meeting at work so I didn't even get to the woods until after 10:00 am", he regretted.
His buddy Charles went without him that morning and quickly let him know of a great spot with lots of sign that he had located. Once reaching his Avoyelles Parish destination he began to search the newly found piece of paradise full of big buck sign.
"He had the trees torn up in there", he told. "We both picked out our spots and ended up hunting maybe 75 yards from each other."
At 3:15 pm the big buck began his route to feed for the evening. It started just a few yards behind Christopher in the thicket.
"I knew it was gonna be bad when he came out behind me. The wind was in my face. So I drew my Mathews No-Cam immediately and waited on my shot. As soon as he got my scent he froze, " he recalled with a shake in his voice.
At that moment, just 6 seconds after first catching a glimpse of the soon to be famous rack, Christopher sent his VAP arrow tipped with a Rage Hypodermic through both lungs of the 245 pound beast. The shot was at a mere 15 yards.
After hearing the buck crash

"I give all the glory to God. I know that when I keep Him first, He will bless me. For me its God, then Family, then Hunting."
This buck toted a whopping 5" of mass at each base and 21" main beams. Christopher, when asked if he had anything else he wanted to add, spoke these words, "Please make sure everyone knows that God gets all the glory. We must do His work first. The rest will happen when its supposed to."
Seems like this man could teach us all a few things about loving the Lord and finding the monsters that roam Avoyelles Parish.
By Justin Lanclos
Photos Courtesy of Christopher Gentry